AAMT001-1KIT   Mitochondrial Complex I ActivityAssayKit   品牌 Merck

Mitochondrial Complex I ActivityAssayKit

货号: AAMT001-1KIT      产品名称: Mitochondrial Complex I ActivityAssayKit   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

Mitochondrial Complex I Activity Assay Kit
Product Description
The Mitochondrial Complex I Activity Assay Kit (Cat. No. AAMT001-1KIT) is used to determine the activity of mitochondrial OXPHOS Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase, E.C. The enzyme complex is immunocaptured within the wells of the microplate and activity is determined by following the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ and the simultaneous reduction of a dye which leads to increased absorbance at 450 nm.
See Figure 1 at the bottom of this page for the Complex I activity reaction scheme. The oxidation of NADH is linked to the reduction of a dye which has increased absorbance at 450 nm and so appears yellow in color.
Panel Components
25 ml  Buffer, (72560-25ML)
10 ml 10X Blocking Solution, (72561-10ML)
1 ml Detergent, (72562-1ML)
1 ea        20X NADH (40 mM), (72563-1EA)
1 ea        100X Dye, (72564-1EA)
1 ea Microplate, (72565-1EA)
* This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store all components at 4°C. After hydration of the 20X NADH and 100X dye with dH20, both of these components should be stored be aliquotted and stored at –80°C, as described in the FAQ section of TB554.
This kit contains a 96-well microplate with a monoclonal antibody pre-bound to the wells of the microplate. This plate can be broken into 12 separate 8-well strips for convenience; therefore the plate can be used for up to 12 separate experiments.
The Mitochondrial Complex I Activity Assay Kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage  +2°C to +8°C
Ship  Blue Ice Only

2°C – 8°C

AAMT002-1KIT   Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay   品牌 Merck

Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay

货号: AAMT002-1KIT      产品名称: Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay Kit
Product Descriptio
Complex II, also known as succinate-coenzyme Q reductase (SDH, EC, is one of the five complexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation in the inner mitochondrial membrane and also a member of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). It catalyzes electron transfer from succinate to the electron carrier, ubiquinone, but unlike the other four complexes it is not a proton pump. The product ubiquinol is utilized by complex III in the respiratory chain and the product fumarate is necessary to maintain the TCA cycle.
Succinate + ubiquinone (Q) → Fumarate + ubiquinol (QH2)
The Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay is designed for determining the Complex II activity in a sample. Each of the 96 wells in the kit has been coated with an anti-Complex II monoclonal antibody (mAb) which purifies the enzyme from a complex sample such as mitochondria, tissue homogenate or cell lysate. After this in-well purification the production of ubiquinol by the enzyme is coupled to the reduction of the dye DCPIP (2,6-diclorophenolindophenol) and a decreases in its absorbance at 600 nm which in turn recycles the substrate ubiquinone, as shown below.
ubiquinol (QH2) + DCPIP (blue) → ubiquinone (Q) + DCPIPH2 (colorless)
Panel Components
15 ml  20X Buffer, (72581-15ML)
25 ml Complex II Activity Buffer, (72582-25ML)
2 x 1 ml 10X Detergent, (72583-1ML)
500 µl 50X Succinate Solution, (72584-500UL)
250 µl 100X DCPIP, (72585-250UL)
60 µl Ubiquinone 2, (72586-60UL)
5 ml 10X Blocking Solution, (72587-5ML)
6 ml Phospholipids, (72588-6ML)
1 ea Microplate, (72589-1EA)
* This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store the 20X Buffer, Complex II Activity Buffer, 10X Detergent, 10X Blocking Solution, and Microplate at 4°C. Store the 50X Succinate Solution, 100X DCPIP,
Ubiquinone 2, and Phospholipids at –80°C The Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay Kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage  Multiple storage requirements
Ship  Multiple Storage Conditions


AAMT004-1KIT   MitochondrialCplexIV(Human)ActivityAssay   品牌 Merck


货号: AAMT004-1KIT      产品名称: MitochondrialCplexIV(Human)ActivityAssay   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

Mitochondrial Complex IV (Human) Activity Assay Kit
Product Description
The Mitochondrial Complex IV (Human) Activity Assay Kit is used to determine the activity of the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme (EC in a human sample. Complex IV is immunocaptured within the wells and activity is determined colorimetrical by following the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c as an absorbance decrease at 550 nm. The overall reaction is as follows:
4 cytochrome c- + 4 H+ + 4 H+(in) + O2 → 4 cytochrome c  + 2 H2O + 4 H+(out)
reduced                    oxidized
↑Abs 550 nm               ↓Abs 550 n
Panel Components
10 ml  Buffer, (72571-10ML)
1 ml Detergent, (72572-1ML)
1 ml Reduced Cytochrome C, (72573-1ML)
1 ea Microplate, (72574-1EA)
*This kit contains sufficient matirials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store the Buffer, Detergent, and Microplate at 4°C. Store the Reduced Cytochrome C at –20°C. For multiple experiments, Reduced Cytochrome C may be aliquoted and stored at –20°C or preferably at –80°C.
This kit contains the necessary buffer, detergent for sample preparation, and substrate (reduced cytochrome c) for the reaction. The kit also contains a 96-well microplate with a monoclonal antibody pre-bound to the wells of the microplate. This plate can be broken into 12 separate 8-well strips for convenience; therefore the plate can be used for up to 12 separate experiments.
Storage  Multiple storage requirements
Ship  Multiple Storage Conditions

AAMT005-1KIT   MitochondrialCplexV(ATPsyn)ActivityAssay   品牌 Merck


货号: AAMT005-1KIT      产品名称: MitochondrialCplexV(ATPsyn)ActivityAssay   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

Mitochondrial Complex V Activity Assay Kit
Product Description
The ATP synthase complex (EC, also called Complex V or F1F0 ATPase, is responsible for ATP production in the oxidative phosphorylation process and can work in reverse as a proton pumping ATPase. The enzyme was thought to be localized exclusively in the mitochondria, but it has now also been identified on the plasma membrane of several cell types, including hepatocytes (where it acts as an HDL receptor), on endothelial cells (where it may act as an angiostatin receptor), and on the surface of cancer cells.
The mammalian ATP synthase is composed of 17 subunits. Five of the subunits make up the easily detached F1 domain. The remainder subunits are part of two stalk domains and the proton pumping F0 domain. Two of the F0 subunits are encoded on mitochondrial (mt) DNA while all other subunits of the ATP synthase complex are nuclear encoded. Mutations in the mt-encoded subunits are implicated in OXPHOS disease.
The Mitochondrial Complex V (ATP Synthase) Activity Assay Kit is used to determine the activity of this enzyme in a sample. ATP Synthase is immunocaptured within the wells. The enzyme functions by hydrolyzing ATP to ADP and phosphate. This production of ADP is ultimately coupled, as shown below, to the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ which is monitored as a decrease in absorbance at 340 nm (See References section for an article that describes the nature of this assay). The ATP hydrolysis activity and therefore the coupled reaction is inhibited by oligomycin (a specific inhibitor of ATP Synthase). See Figure 1 at the bottom of this page for an overview of the overall reaction.
PK- Pyruvate kinase, LDH-Lactate dehydrogenase, PEP-phosphoenolpyruvate
Panel Components
10 ml  Buffer, (72566-10ML)
1 ml Detergent, (72567-1ML)
20 ml Reagent Mix, (72568-20ML)
6 ml Phospholipids, (72569-6ML)
1 ea Microplate, (72574-1EA)
* This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store Buffer, Detergent, and covered Microplate at 2 to 8°C. Store the Phospholipids and Reagent Mix at –80°C. For multiple experiments, it is recommened to aliquot the Reagent Mix and Phospholipids upon initial thaw and store any aliquots at
The Mitochondrial Complex V (ATP Synthase) Activity Assay Kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).The 96-well microplate in this kit has a monoclonal antibody pre-bound to the wells. This plate can be broken into 12 separate
8-well strips; therefore the plate can be used for up to 12 separate experiments.
Storage  Multiple storage requirements
Ship  Multiple Storage Conditions


AAMT006-1KIT   Mitochondrial Cplx IV (Mouse) Act Assay   品牌 Merck

Mitochondrial Cplx IV (Mouse) Act Assay

货号: AAMT006-1KIT      产品名称: Mitochondrial Cplx IV (Mouse) Act Assay   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

Mitochondrial Complex IV (Mouse) Activity Assay Kit
Product Description
The Mitochondrial Complex IV (Mouse) Activity Assay Kit is used to determine the activity of the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme (EC in a mouse sample. Complex IV is immunocaptured within the wells and activity is determined colorimetrical by following the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c as an absorbance decrease at 550 nm. The overall reaction is as follows:
4 cytochrome c- + 4 H+ + 4 H+ (in) + O2 → 4 cytochrome c + 2 H2O + 4 H+ (out)
reduced           oxidized
↑Abs 550 nm           ↓Abs 550 nm
Panel Components
10 ml  Buffer, (72616-10ML)
1 ml Detergent, (72617-1ML)
1 ml Reduced Cytochrome C, (72618-1ML)
1 ea Microplate, (72619-1EA)
* This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store the Buffer, Detergent, and Microplate at 4°C. Store the Reduced Cytochrome C at –20°C. For multiple experiments, Reduced Cytochrome C may be aliquoted and stored at –20°C or preferably at –80°C.
This kit contains the necessary buffer, detergent for sample preparation, and substrate (reduced cytochrome c) for the reaction. The kit also contains a 96-well microplate with a monoclonal antibody pre-bound to the wells of the microplate. This plate can be broken into 12 separate 8-well strips for convenience; therefore the plate can be used for up to 12 separate experiments.
The Mitchondrial Complex IV (Mouse) Activity Assay Kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage  Multiple storage requirements
Ship  Multiple Storage Conditions

AAMT008-1KIT   PDH Activity Assay Kit   品牌 Merck

PDH Activity Assay Kit

货号: AAMT008-1KIT      产品名称: PDH Activity Assay Kit   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

AAMT008  PDH Activity Assay Kit
Product Description
The PDH Activity Assay Kit is used to determine the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) in a sample. The PDH enzyme is immunocaptured within the wells of the microplate and PDH activity is determined by following the reduction of NAD+ to NADH, coupled to the reduction of a reporter dye to yield a colored (yellow) reaction product whose concentration can be monitored by measuring the increase in absorbance at 450 nm (See Figure 1 at the bottom of this page).
PDH is the key regulatory enzyme of cellular metabolism because it links the TCA cycle and subsequent oxidative phosphorylation with glycolysis and gluconeogenesis as well as with both lipid and amino acid metabolism. PDH activity is regulated by PDK-dependent phosphorylation and PDP dependent dephosphorylation of PDH. Phosphorylation inactivates PDH whereas dephosphorylation activates PDH.
The PDH Activity Assay Kit can be used to elucidate various aspects of PDH activity, physiologic regulation and phosphorylation status. Please read TB561 for three possible applications for this kit.
Panel Components
• 15 ml         20X Buffer, (72545-15ML)
• 2 x 1 ml     Detergent, (72546-1ML)
• 2 x 600 µl  20X Reagent Mix, (72547-600UL)
• 1 ea           Microplate, (72548-1EA)
• 13 ml        5X Stabilizer, (72549-1EA)
• 250 µl       100X Coupler, (72550-250UL)
• 250 µl       100X Reagent Dye, (72551-250UL)
*This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store all components at 4°C. Store the 100X Coupler at –80°C. This kit is stable for at least 6 months.
This kit contains the necessary buffers and reagents for the respective reaction. The kit also contains a 96-well microplate with a monoclonal antibody pre-bound to the wells of the microplate. This plate can be broken into 12 separate 8-well strips for convenience; therefore the plate can be used for up to 12 separate experiments.
Storage  Multiple storage requirements
Ship  Multiple Storage Conditions


AAMT009-1KIT   Aconitase Activity Assay Kit   品牌 Merck

Aconitase Activity Assay Kit

货号: AAMT009-1KIT      产品名称: Aconitase Activity Assay Kit   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

Aconitase Activity Assay Kit
Product Description
The active form of the enzyme is inhibited by citrate analogs, and fluoracetate. Other inhibitors include oxidative stress agents such as peroxynitrite, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide, which inactivate the enzyme by changing the [4Fe-4S] to a [3Fe-4S] cluster. Therefore, aconitase is considered a good marker of mitochondrial and cellular oxidative stress. This inhibition of mitochondrial aconitase can lead to a decreased energy production, whereas in cytosolic aconitase it triggers binding of the enzyme to mRNA iron response elements resulting in increased expression of iron uptake proteins and decreased transcription of iron sequestering protein.
A hydroxyl scavenging solution (Aconitase preservation solution) is supplied with this kit to maintain aconitase activity during sample preparation. An inactivated [3Fe-4FS] aconitase may be activated in vitro by the addition of iron and cysteine.
Citrate  ←→  cis-aconitate   ←→  isocitrate
(↑ Abs. 240 nm)
The Aconitase Activity Assay Kit measures the activity of aconitase in a sample by following the conversion of isocitrate to cis-aconitate as indicated by an increase in absorbance at UV 240 nm with an extinction coefficient of 2.2 OD/mM per well.
Note: Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic aconitase activities are indistinguishable. Therefore, to measure the mitochondrial activity only, first isolate mitochondria, but to measure for both activities, separate the cells into cytoplasmic and mitochondrial fractions (see TB552 for details).
The entire assay can be completed within 2 hours. The intra-assay variation and inter-assay variation with this assay are each less than 10% and 15% respectively.
Panel Components
50 ml  Buffer (Tube 1), (72575-50ML)
20 ml Aconitase preservation solution, (72576-20ML)
800 µl   25X Isocitrate, (72577-800UL)
200 µl 100X Manganese, (72578-200UL)
1 ea UV Microplate, (72579-1EA)
1 ml Detergent, (72580-1ML)
* This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).
Storage: Store all components at 2 to 8°C. Do not freeze.
Note: The 96-well microplate has a monoclonal antibody pre-bound to the wells. This plate can be separated into twelve 8 well strips and thus can be used for up to 12 individual experiments.
Storage  +2°C to +8°C
Ship  Blue Ice Only

2°C – 8°C