4428176   PREPSEQ NUCLEIC ACID EXTRACTN KIT,300   品牌 Invitrogen


货号: 4428176      产品名称: PREPSEQ NUCLEIC ACID EXTRACTN KIT,300   品牌: Invitrogen 规格: *** 三周到货 生化试验

PrepSEQ® Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit for Food and Environmental Testing
The PrepSEQ® Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit produces high-quality bacterial DNA samples for PCR-based detection from a wide range of food and environmental samples. The quantity and quality of the DNA can greatly impact the success of the sample analysis process and the overall quality of the final result. Food and environmental samples can be challenging to process because they often contain PCR inhibitors. For laboratories looking to achieve better real-time PCR results and improve overall efficiency, the PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit meets these needs.
Automated Sample Preparation for PCR-Based Assays
• Extract high-quality bacterial DNA
• Process a wide range of food and environmental samples
• Fast time-to-results
• Prepare hundreds of samples per shift per instrument