4003-2000   ACTH   品牌 Biovision


货号: 4003-2000      产品名称: ACTH   品牌: Biovision 规格: 2 mg 3周到货 生化实验

A hormone which stimulates adrenal cortex
Product Overview
Alternate Name/Synonyms: Corticotropin-lipotropin, Pro-opiomelanocortin, POMC, ACTH, LPH, MSH, NPP, POC, CLIP, Tetracosactide
Gene Symbol: POMC
Accession #: P01189
Gene ID: 5443 (precurrsor)
Source: Synthetic
Appearance: Lyophilized
Physical Form Description: Sterile filtered and lyophilized with no additives
Molecular Weight: 4.541 kDa
Purity by SDS-PAGE: ≥98%
Purity by HPLC: ≥98%
Endotoxin Level: N/A
Biological Activity: N/A
Reconstitution Instructions: Centrifuge the vial prior to opening. Reconstitute in sterile dW to a concentration ≥ 100 µg/ml. This solution can then be diluted into other aqueous buffers and stored at 4 °C for 2-7 days and at -20 °C for future use
Storage Temp.: -20°C
Shipping: Gel Pack
Background Information: Adrenocorticotropic hormone, as its name implies, stimulates the adrenal cortex. More specifically, it stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids such as cortisol, and has little control over secretion of aldosterone, the other major steroid hormone from the adrenal cortex. Stimulates secretion of adrenal corticosteroids and induces growth of adrenal cortex. ACTH also called Tetracosactide directly activates G-proteins. A stimulator of adenylate cyclase and cAMP formation. Its molecular weight is 4.541 kDa
Handling: Centrifuge the vial prior to opening
USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.


A0960-1 mg   ACTH(1-39), human   品牌 LKT

ACTH(1-39), human

货号: A0960-1 mg      产品名称: ACTH(1-39), human   品牌: LKT 规格: 1 mg 三周到货 生化试验

ACTH (1-39), human      
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Cas No. 12279-41-3
Product ID  A0960
Product Name  ACTH (1-39), human
Formula Wt. 4541.1
Store Temp +4oC
