E8510   GloResponse NFAT-RE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line   品牌 Promega

GloResponse NFAT-RE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line

货号: E8510      产品名称: GloResponse NFAT-RE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line   品牌: Promega 规格: 1 each 二周到货 生化试验

 GloResponse™ Luciferase Cell Lines(GloResponse™ 萤光素酶细胞系) 经过优化,将最先进的萤光素酶报告基因技术整合入细胞系中。这样可以迅速开发新的检测方法,这些方法是基于目的信号转导通路对萤光素酶基因进行调控而设计的。使用GloResponse™细胞系形成的检测方法适用于高通量筛选。这些检测方法一般比其它检测方法具有更宽的反应动态范围( 诱导倍数),以及更好的质量,正如高Z` 值所示。GloResponse™ 细胞系可用于研究多种信号转导通路。这些信号通路的激活因子可以是HEK293 细胞系所固有的,如需研究非内源性的激活因子的活性,可将这些激活因子转染进入细胞后进行研究。
GPCR 能调控广泛的生物学功能,是药物发现中最重要的靶点之一。根据G 蛋白α 亚基的不同可把GPCR 信号通路分为三类:Gs,Gi/o 和Gq。GloResponse™ CRE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line 可应用于Gs,Gi/o 偶联的GPCR( 其信号通过cAMP 和CRE 传导) 的研究,并可用其设定筛选用的检测方法。对于Gq 偶联的GPCR( 其信号通过钙离子释放和激活“活化T 细胞的核因子的反应元件,NFATRE”),应该使用GloResponse™ NFAT-RE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line。
NF-κB-RE 是NF-κB 转录因子复合物的DNA 结合序列,负责调控炎症反应、免疫应答、细胞生长和细胞凋亡。GloResponse™ NF-κB-RE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line 能够快速和方便地分析任何导致NF-κB 活性调节的细胞反应。
GloResponse™ 9XGAL4 UAS-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line 含有9个重复的GAL4 UAS( 上游激活序列),当有配基激活的时候,能够驱动萤光素酶报告基因luc2P 应答融合蛋白结合而产生的转录,该融合蛋白需要含有GAL4 DNA 结合域,比如pBIND-ERα 载体(Cat.#E1390) 上的雌激素受体配基结合域。这使得该细胞系适合研究核受体或者其他类型的蛋白: 蛋白以及蛋白: DNA 相互作用。必须使用转染或其它相似技术,将GAL4 DNA 结合域相结合的“蛋白伙伴”导入细胞内方可。
GloResponse™ Cell Lines 通过克隆筛选稳定转染pGL-4 载体的HEK293 细胞得到,该载体带有目的通路特异应答元件。这些细胞系整合了pGL4 报告基因载体家族的优势。去稳定化的luc2P 报告基因用于增强的转录动力学应答。luc2P 基因的密码子经过优化,以增强在哺乳动物细胞中的表达。pGL4 质粒的骨架也经过改造,降低本底表达。结果是,当目的信号通路被激活时,该细胞系就能被诱导产生高水平的反应。
特点    • 方便:细胞系是预先构建好的,并经过优化,带有萤光素酶报告基因。
• 强效:检测范围宽,诱导水平高,背景表达低。
• 快速:去稳定化的萤光素酶对转录调控的动态应答增强。。



480404-2MG   NFAT Inhibitor, MCV1   品牌 Merck

NFAT Inhibitor, MCV1

货号: 480404-2MG      产品名称: NFAT Inhibitor, MCV1   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 三周

NFAT Inhibitor, MCV1
Maleimido-conjugated VIVIT 1, MPB-HPVIVIT, Maleimido-conjugated HPVIVIT
A cell-permeable, synthetic maleimido-conjugated VIVIT motif peptide (HPVIVIT) that acts as a potent bipartite inhibitor of Nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) (IC50 = 62 nM). Blocks NFAT-calcineurin interaction by targeting two separate calcineurin docking motifs. Completely blocks NFAT dephosphorylation at 1 mM. Determined to be more potent that Cyclosporine A (Cat. No. 239835) and VIVIT peptide (MAGPHPVIVITGPHEE) in blocking NFAT activity. Also shown to blocks NFAT-mediated T-cell activation and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation, thereby reducing neoimtima (new thickening of arterial wall) formation in mouse models of restenosis (repeat blocking of blood vessels). The biological half life of MCV1 has been estimated to be about 36 hours in COS-1 cells.
Form  White solid
Formulation  Supplied as a trifluoroacetate salt.
Protect from Light  是的
Hygrocopic  是的
Packaged under inert gas  是的
Purity  ≥98% by HPLC
Solubility  DMSO
Chemical formula  C51H75N10O12
Storage  -20°C
Ship  Shipped with Blue Ice or with Dry Ice
Standard Handling


4414183   HUMAN NFAT AND CARDIAC   品牌 Invitrogen


货号: 4414183      产品名称: HUMAN NFAT AND CARDIAC   品牌: Invitrogen 规格: HYPERTROPHY KIT 三周到货 生化试验

TaqMan® Array Human NFAT & Cardiac Hypertrophy
These 96-well plates are pre-configured with the most appropriate TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays for a specific biological process, pathway, or disease state. Each plate contains predefined assays and endogenous controls dried-down in the wells, ready for accurate assessment of an entire gene signature in one simple experiment. The TaqMan® Array Human NFAT & Cardiac Hypertrophy 96-well Plate contains 92 assays to NFAT & cardiac hypertrophy associated genes and 4 assays to candidate endogenous control genes.
Form: Dried Down 
Format: 96-well plate
Species: Human 
Label or Dye: FAM™ 
Product Size: 1 standard plate 
Reaction Speed: Standard
Research Category: Extracellular Matrix & Cell Adhesion,
Signal Transduction,
Biomarker-Related Pathway(s),
Cardiovascular Research 
Internal Probe Modification: Non-Fluorescent Quencher (3′),
MGB (Minor Groove Binder) (3′),
FAM (5′)
Regulatory Statement: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Each TaqMan® Array Plate well contains a single TaqMan® Assay for one 20 µL reaction. The plates can be stored at room temperature or at 4°C.

04-804   NFAT1, mouse monoclonal antibody   品牌 Millipore

NFAT1, mouse monoclonal antibody

货号: 04-804      产品名称: NFAT1, mouse monoclonal antibody   品牌: Millipore 规格: EA 3周到货 生化实验

Anti-NFAT1, clone 8G4.2
Species Reactivity Key Applications Host Format Antibody Type
H, M, R  WB, IF Mouse Purified Monoclonal Antibody
Anti-NFAT1 Antibody, clone 8G4.2
Promotional Text:
Special Shipping Offer on Antibodies
100% Performance Guaranteed
Trade Name:
Upstate (Millipore)
Detects NFAT1.
Molecular Weight:
120-140 kDa
GST-fusion protein corresponding to amino acids 1-297 of human NFAT1.
Background Information:
NFAT (Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells) is a family of transcription factors that are located in the cytoplasm in their inactive state. NFAT translocates to the nucleus upon stimulation of the T-cell receptor where it plays a key role in gene expression in immune response. NFAT is dephosphorylated and activated by the phosphatase PP2B/Calcineurin. This results in its nuclear localization and transcriptional activity. For NFAT1 (NFATC2, nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2), calcineurin is known to target the region between residues 114-126. Mutations in this region of NFAT1 result in its inability to de-phosphorylate and subsequent nuclear translocation. Upon activation, NFAT mediates the transcriptional induction of cytokines and other immuno-regulatory genes during immune responses, and is expressed in T-cells, B-cells, mast cells and NK cells.
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Species Reactivity:
Species Reactivity Note:
Human, Mouse, and Rat. Other species have not been tested.
Quality Assurance:
Routinely evaluated by Western Blot
Purification Method:
Ammonium sulfate precipitation
Purified mouse monoclonal in PBS with 0.05% NaN3.
Storage Conditions:
Stable for 1 year at 2-8°C from date of receipt.
Handling Recommendations: Upon receipt, and prior to removing the cap, centrifuge the vial and gently mix the solution.
UniProt Number:
Entrez Gene Number:
Gene Symbol:
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Alternate Names:
NFAT pre-existing subunit
NFAT transcription complex, preexisting component
T cell transcription factor NFAT1
nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic
nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic,
calcineurin-dependent 2
nuclear factor of activated T-cells, preexisting component 2
preexisting nuclear factor of activated T-cells 2
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Usage Statement:
Unless otherwise stated in our catalog or other company documentation accompanying the product(s), our products are intended for research use only and are not to be used for any other purpose, which includes but is not limited to, unauthorized commercial uses, in vitro diagnostic uses, ex vivo or in vivo therapeutic uses or any type of consumption or application to humans or animals.
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Key Applications:
Western Blotting
Entrez Gene Summary:
This gene is a member of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) family. The product of this gene is a DNA-binding protein with a REL-homology region (RHR) and an NFAT-homology region (NHR). This protein is present in the cytosol and only translocates to the nucleus upon T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation, where it becomes a member of the nuclear factors of activated T cells transcription complex. This complex plays a central role in inducing gene transcription during the immune response. Alternate transcriptional splice variants, encoding differen 2°C – 8°C

4418828   HS NFAT & CARDIAC HYPERTROPHY   品牌 Invitrogen


货号: 4418828      产品名称: HS NFAT & CARDIAC HYPERTROPHY   品牌: Invitrogen 规格: FAST KIT 三周到货 生化试验

TaqMan® Array, Human NFAT & Cardiac Hypertrophy, Fast 96-well
These 96-well plates are pre-configured with the most appropriate TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays for a specific biological process, pathway, or disease state. Each plate contains predefined assays and endogenous controls dried-down in the wells, ready for accurate assessment of an entire gene signature in one simple experiment. The TaqMan® Array Human NFAT & Cardiac Hypertrophy 96-well Plate contains 92 assays to NFAT & cardiac hypertrophy associated genes and 4 assays to candidate endogenous control genes.
Form: Dried Down 
Format: 96-well plate 
Species: Human 
Label or Dye: FAM™ 
Product Size: 1 x 96 well plate 
Reaction Speed: Fast 
Research Category: Biomarker-Related Pathway(s),
Cardiovascular Research,
Signal Transduction,
Extracellular Matrix & Cell Adhesion
Internal Probe Modification: Non-Fluorescent Quencher (3′),
MGB (Minor Groove Binder) (3′),
FAM (5′) 
Regulatory Statement: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Each TaqMan® Array Plate well contains a single TaqMan® Assay for one 10 µL reaction. The plates can be stored at room temperature or at 4°C.