22790   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*

货号: 22790      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*
Cat # 22790
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 405
Em (nm) 450
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). This kit uses our proprietary fluorescent small molecule-based Apopxin� PS sensor that specifically binds PS with affinity much higher than Annexin V (Kd < 10 nM). It has blue fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. It can be used in the formats of microplate, microscope and flow cytometer while most of other commercial apoptosis assay kits are only used with either microscope or flow cytometry platform. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)

22791   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*

货号: 22791      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*
Cat # 22791
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 498
Em (nm) 520
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. This kit uses a fluorescent sensor that specifically binds PS. This kit uses our proprietary fluorescent small molecule-based Apopxin� PS sensor that specifically binds PS with affinity much higher than Annexin V (Kd < 10 nM). It has green fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. It can be used in the formats of microplate, microscope and flow cytometer while most of other commercial apoptosis assay kits are only used with either microscope or flow cytometry platform. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)


22792   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*

货号: 22792      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*
Cat # 22792
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 575
Em (nm) 600
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. This kit uses a fluorescent sensor that specifically binds PS. This kit uses our proprietary fluorescent small molecule-based Apopxin� PS sensor that specifically binds PS with affinity much higher than Annexin V (Kd < 10 nM). It has red fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. It can be used in the formats of microplate, microscope and flow cytometer while most of other commercial apoptosis assay kits are only used with either microscope or flow cytometry platform. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)


22793   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Deep Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Deep Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*

货号: 22793      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Deep Red Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit

22794   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*

货号: 22794      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Orange Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Readers*
Cat # 22794
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 554
Em (nm) 578
This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. This kit uses our proprietary orange fluorescent Apopxin� PS sensor that specifically binds PS with affinity much higher than Annexin V (Kd < 10 nM). The PS sensor used in this kit has orange fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. The stain has the spectral properties almost identical to those of Cy3� or Alexa Fluor� 555, making it convenient to be used for the common fluorescence instruments equipped with the light sources and filters for Cy3� or Alexa Fluor� 555 (Cy3� or Alexa Fluor� 555 are the trademarks of GE Healthcare and Invitrogen respectively). Due to its highly enhanced affinity to PS, this kit is more robust than the other commercial Annexin V-based apoptosis kits that are only used with either microscope or flow cytometry platform. This kit can be also used with a fluorescence microplate reader besides the microscope and flow cytometry platforms. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)


22811   Cell Meter Nuclear Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Nuclear Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*

货号: 22811      产品名称: Cell Meter Nuclear Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Nuclear Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*
Cat # 22811
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 503
Em (nm) 526 
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the apoptotic chromatin condensation. The compacted chromatin of apoptotic cells binds higher amounts of nuclear dye compared to the healthy cells. Our Cell Meter� Nuclear Apoptosis Assay Kit provides all the essential components with an optimized assay method for the detection of apoptosis in cells with condensed nuclei. This fluorometric assay is based on the detection of the DNA contents in cells using our proprietary non-fluorescent dye that becomes strongly fluorescent upon binding to DNA. In normal cells, Nuclear Green� is not cell permeable, however, in apoptotic cells, Cells with compromised plasma membranes or with impaired/no cell metabolism are unable to prevent the dye from entering the cell. Once inside the cell, the dyes bind to intracellular DNA producing highly fluorescent complexes which identify the cells as non-viable cells. The staining with Nuclear Green� DCS1 can be measured using a flow cytometer with Ex/Em = 490 nm/520 nm (FL1 channel) or fluorescence microscope (FITC filter set). The kit can be used with our other apoptosis reagents, such as Our Cell Meter� NIR Mitochondria Membrane Potential Detection Kit (Cat# 22802), for multi-parametric study of cell viability and apoptosis. The kit is optimized for screening of apoptosis activators and inhibitors.  
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)

22831   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*

货号: 22831      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*
Cat # 22831
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 498
Em (nm) 520 
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. Our proprietary Apopxin� PS sensor used in this kit is small molecule-based PS sensor. It has green fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. This particular assay kit is optimized to monitor cell apoptosis using a flow cytometer at FITC channel (green fluorescence). 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)

22832   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*

货号: 22832      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Deep Red Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*
Cat # 22832
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 649
Em (nm) 660 
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. Our proprietary Apopxin� PS sensor used in this kit is small molecule-based PS sensor. It has red fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. This particular assay kit is optimized to monitor cell apoptosis using a flow cytometer at Cy5 channel (red fluorescence). 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)


22835   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*

货号: 22835      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*
Cat # 22835
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 405
Em (nm) 450
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. Our proprietary Apopxin� PS sensor used in this kit is small molecule-based PS sensor. The PS sensor has blue fluorescence upon binding to membrane PS. The PS stain used in the kit has the spectral properties similar to those of Pacific Blue� at Ex/Em = ~400/450 nm (Pacific Blue� is the trademark of Invitrogen). The blue fluorescent stain is well excited with the Violet Laser at 405 nm, and emits intense blue fluorescence at ~450 nm. The kit is optimized to be used with a flow cytometer equipped with a Violet Laser. It is particularly suitable for multicolor flow cytometric analysis of cells. This kit has been used for flow cytometric analysis of cells in multicolor applications in combination with fluorescent antibodies. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)


22836   Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*   品牌 AAT

Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*

货号: 22836      产品名称: Cell Meter Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Cell Meter� Phosphatidylserine Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Excited at 405 nm*
Cat # 22836
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 414
Em (nm) 508 
Our Cell Meter� assay kits are a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. There are a variety of parameters that can be used for monitoring cell viability. This particular kit is designed to monitor cell apoptosis through measuring the translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS). In apoptosis, PS is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface is a universal indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis and can be detected before morphological changes can be observed. Our proprietary Apopxin� PS sensor used in this kit is small molecule-based PS sensor. The green fluorescent stain is well excited with the Violet Laser at 405 nm, and emits intense green fluorescence at ~520 nm. The kit is optimized to be used with a flow cytometer equipped with Violet Laser. It is particularly suitable for multicolor flow cytometric analysis of cells. In coupling with its large Stokes Shift, its highly enhanced affinity to PS makes this kit more robust than the other commercial Annexin V based apoptosis kits that are only used with either microscope or flow cytometry platform. This kit can be also used with a fluorescence microplate reader besides the microscope and flow cytometry platforms. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS
Related Products:     Cell Cytotoxicity     Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity     Cell Apoptosis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)


BML-SA230-0100   Apoptosis-inducing factor (human), pAb   品牌 Biomol

Apoptosis-inducing factor (human), pAb

货号: BML-SA230-0100      产品名称: Apoptosis-inducing factor (human), pAb   品牌: Biomol 规格: 100 ug 3周到货 生化实验

Apoptosis-inducing factor (human), pAb
Product Specification
Alternative Name:AIF
Immunogen:Synthetic peptide corresponding to aa 109-122 of human AIF.
UniProt ID:O95831
Application:Western Blot
Specificity:Recognizes human AIF.
Formulation:Liquid. In PBS containing 0.2% sodium azide.
Long Term Storage:-80°C
