36340   Screen Quest Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *1 Plate*   品牌 AAT

Screen Quest Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *1 Plate*

货号: 36340      产品名称: Screen Quest Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *1 Plate*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Screen Quest� Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *1 Plate*
Cat # 36340
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 100 Tests
Ex (nm) 492
Em (nm) 514
Tumor cell resistance to cytotoxic drugs is considered one of the major obstacles to successful chemotherapy. Some tumors are initially resistant and never respond to cytostatic drug treatment; others initially respond well but eventually regrow and become resistant. This phenomenon may result from genetic mutations induced by the administered antitumor agent, or may represent the selection of preexisting resistant cell populations in the malignant tumor. Multi-drug resistance (MDR) is a major factor in the failure of many forms of chemotherapy. In the past few years it has become widely accepted that the resistance to chemotherapy correlates with the overexpression of at least two ATP-dependent drug-efflux pumps. These cell membrane proteins, called P-glycoprotein (Pgp, MDR1), and multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP1) are members of the ABC transporter family. Our assay kit uses a fluorescent MDR indicator for assaying these two MDR pump activities. This hydrophobic fluorescent dye molecule rapidly penetrates cell membranes and becomes trapped in cells. Following a short incubation, the intracellular free dye concentration can increase significantly. In the MDR1 and/or MRP1-expressing cells this dye is extruded by the MDR transporter, thus decreasing the cellular fluorescence intensity. However, when its extrusion is blocked by an agent that interferes with the MDR1 and/or MRP1 pump-activity, its cellular fluorescence intensity increases significantly. Our MDR assay kit provides all the essential components with an optimized assay method. The assay can be performed in a convenient 96-well or 384-well microtiter-plate format and easily adapted to automation. This assay kit is ideal for high throughput screening of MDR pump inhibitors or identifying the cells that have high level of MDR pump activities.
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     MDR Research     Cell Metabolism     Cell Functional Analysis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)



36341   Screen Quest Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *10 Plates*   品牌 AAT

Screen Quest Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *10 Plates*

货号: 36341      产品名称: Screen Quest Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *10 Plates*   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Screen Quest� Fluorimetric MDR Assay Kit *10 Plates*
Cat # 36341
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 492
Em (nm) 514
Tumor cell resistance to cytotoxic drugs is considered one of the major obstacles to successful chemotherapy. Some tumors are initially resistant and never respond to cytostatic drug treatment; others initially respond well but eventually regrow and become resistant. This phenomenon may result from genetic mutations induced by the administered antitumor agent, or may represent the selection of preexisting resistant cell populations in the malignant tumor. Multi-drug resistance (MDR) is a major factor in the failure of many forms of chemotherapy. In the past few years it has become widely accepted that the resistance to chemotherapy correlates with the overexpression of at least two ATP-dependent drug-efflux pumps. These cell membrane proteins, called P-glycoprotein (Pgp, MDR1), and multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP1) are members of the ABC transporter family. Our assay kit uses a fluorescent MDR indicator for assaying these two MDR pump activities. This hydrophobic fluorescent dye molecule rapidly penetrates cell membranes and becomes trapped in cells. Following a short incubation, the intracellular free dye concentration can increase significantly. In the MDR1 and/or MRP1-expressing cells this dye is extruded by the MDR transporter, thus decreasing the cellular fluorescence intensity. However, when its extrusion is blocked by an agent that interferes with the MDR1 and/or MRP1 pump-activity, its cellular fluorescence intensity increases significantly. Our MDR assay kit provides all the essential components with an optimized assay method. The assay can be performed in a convenient 96-well or 384-well microtiter-plate format and easily adapted to automation. This assay kit is ideal for high throughput screening of MDR pump inhibitors or identifying the cells that have high level of MDR pump activities.
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     MDR Research     Cell Metabolism     Cell Functional Analysis 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)



ALX-801-028-C125   MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)   品牌 Alexis

MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)

货号: ALX-801-028-C125      产品名称: MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)   品牌: Alexis 规格: 125.micro.g 3周到货 生化实验

MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)Product SpecificationAlternative Name: ABCB4 Clone: P3II-26 Host: Mouse Isotype: IgG2b Immunogen: MDR3 P-glycoprotein fragment (aa 629-692). UniProt ID: P21439 Application: Immunocytochemistry: Use 1:20-1:50 dilution on acetone fixed cytospin preparations. Immunohistochemistry (frozen sections): Use 1:20 dilution on acetone fixed frozen sections followed by incubation with rabbit anti-mouse IgG and a monoclonal mouse APAAP complex. Not recommended for paraffin sections. Western Blot Specificity: Recognizes human MDR3 P-glycoprotein. Does not cross-react with human P-glycoprotein. Formulation: Liquid. In serum free culture supernatant containing 0.7% BSA and 0.1% sodium azide. Short Term Storage: +4°C Long Term Storage: -20°C -20°C

ALX-801-028-C250   MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)   品牌 Alexis

MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)

货号: ALX-801-028-C250      产品名称: MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)   品牌: Alexis 规格: 250.micro.g 3周到货 生化实验

MDR3 P-glycoprotein (human), mAb (P3II-26)Product SpecificationAlternative Name: ABCB4 Clone: P3II-26 Host: Mouse Isotype: IgG2b Immunogen: MDR3 P-glycoprotein fragment (aa 629-692). UniProt ID: P21439 Application: Immunocytochemistry: Use 1:20-1:50 dilution on acetone fixed cytospin preparations. Immunohistochemistry (frozen sections): Use 1:20 dilution on acetone fixed frozen sections followed by incubation with rabbit anti-mouse IgG and a monoclonal mouse APAAP complex. Not recommended for paraffin sections. Western Blot Specificity: Recognizes human MDR3 P-glycoprotein. Does not cross-react with human P-glycoprotein. Formulation: Liquid. In serum free culture supernatant containing 0.7% BSA and 0.1% sodium azide. Short Term Storage: +4°C Long Term Storage: -20°C -20°C