puno-hdcsign1a   pUNO-hDCSIGN1Aa   品牌 Invivogen


货号: puno-hdcsign1a      产品名称: pUNO-hDCSIGN1Aa   品牌: Invivogen 规格: 1 disk 三周到货 生化试验

DC-SIGN1A (mb)
Coding sequence in expression plasmid
Alias: DCSIGN1, CD209A
Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing nonintegrin.
DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) is a C-type lectin involved in the capture of different pathogens. DC-SIGN recognizes distinct carbohydrate structures such as the viral envelope glycoproteins expressed by the HIV1[1], hepatitis C virus, and Ebola virus. Non-viral pathogens can also interact with DC-SIGN including yeast, parasites and bacteria, such as Mycobacteria tuberculosis[2]. Following recognition, DC-SIGN internalizes the pathogens for processing and antigen presentation. The central feature of the pathogens recognized by DC-SIGN is that they misuse DC-SIGN by distinct mechanisms that either circumvent antigen processing or alter TLR-mediated signaling, skewing T-cell responses[3].
1. Kwon DS. et al., 2002. DC-SIGN-mediated internalization of HIV is required for trans-enhancement of T cell infection. Immunity. 16(1):135-44.
2. Appelmelk BJ. et al., 2003. Cutting edge: carbohydrate profiling identifies new pathogens that interact with dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin on dendritic cells. J Immunol. 170(4):1635-9.
3. Van Kooyk Y. & Geijtenbeek TB. 2003. DC-SIGN: escape mechanism for pathogens. Nat Rev Immunol. 3(9):697-709.
This gene is available in pUNO1 expression plasmid selectable with Blasticidin.
Human DC-SIGN1A (mb) type I isoform (pUNO1-hDCSIGN1Aa)
ORF Size: 1215 bp
Subclone: BspHI – NheI


puno-hdcsign2a   pUNO-hDCSIGN2a   品牌 Invivogen


货号: puno-hdcsign2a      产品名称: pUNO-hDCSIGN2a   品牌: Invivogen 规格: 1 disk 三周到货 生化试验

DC-SIGN2 (mb)
Coding sequence in expression plasmid
DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing nonintegrin (CD209L, LSIGN)
DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin involved in the capture of different pathogens. DC-SIGN recognizes distinct carbohydrate structures such as the viral envelope glycoproteins expressed by the HIV1[1], hepatitis C virus, and Ebola virus. Non-viral pathogens can also interact with DC-SIGN including yeast, parasites and bacteria, such as Mycobacteria tuberculosis[2]. Following recognition, DC-SIGN internalizes the pathogens for processing and antigen presentation. The central feature of the pathogens recognized by DC-SIGN is that they misuse DC-SIGN by distinct mechanisms that either circumvent antigen processing or alter TLR-mediated signaling, skewing T-cell responses[3].
1. Kwon DS. et al., 2002. DC-SIGN-mediated internalization of HIV is required for trans-enhancement of T cell infection. Immunity. 16(1):135-44.
2. Appelmelk BJ. et al., 2003. Cutting edge: carbohydrate profiling identifies new pathogens that interact with dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin on dendritic cells. J Immunol. 170(4):1635-9.
3. Van Kooyk Y. & Geijtenbeek TB. 2003. DC-SIGN: escape mechanism for pathogens. Nat Rev Immunol. 3(9):697-709.
This gene is available in pUNO1 expression plasmid selectable with Blasticidin.
Human DC-SIGN2 (mb) isoform_1 (pUNO1-hDCSIGN2a)
Genbank: NM_014257
ORF Size: 1200 bp
Subclone: BspH I – Nhe I