puno-mpgrps   pUNO-mPGRPS   品牌 Invivogen


货号: puno-mpgrps      产品名称: pUNO-mPGRPS   品牌: Invivogen 规格: 1 disk 三周到货 生化试验

Coding sequence in expression plasmid
Alias: PGLYRP1
Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein, Short
Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are pattern recognition molecules that are conserved from insects to mammals and recognize bacteria and their unique cell wall component, peptidoglycan (PGN)[1]. However, the consequences of this recognition are unknown, except in insects where PGRPs trigger the expression of antimicrobial peptides[2]. Four mammalian PGRPs have been identified, PGRP-L, -S, -Ialpha, and -Ibeta, that are selectively expressed in different organs and have little homology outside the PGRP domains[3]. This diversity suggests that binding of PGN to each PGRP may produce a different biological effect.
1. Dziarski R., 2004. Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs). Mol Immunol. 40(12):877-86.
2. Takehana A. et al., 2002. Overexpression of a pattern-recognition receptor, peptidoglycan-recognition protein-LE, activates imd/relish-mediated antibacterial defense and the prophenoloxidase cascade in Drosophila larvae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.99(21):13705-10.
3. Liu C. et al., 2001. Peptidoglycan recognition proteins: a novel family of four human innate immunity pattern recognition molecules.J Biol Chem. 276(37):34686-94.
This gene is available in pUNO1 expression plasmid selectable with Blasticidin.
ORF Size: 591bp
Subclone: AgeI – NheI
ORF Size: 549 bp
Subclone: AgeI – NheI