ALX-210-265-R100   Dia1, pAb   品牌 Alexis

Dia1, pAb

货号: ALX-210-265-R100      产品名称: Dia1, pAb   品牌: Alexis 规格: 100.micro.l 三周 生化实验

Dia1, pAb
Product Specification
Alternative Name: Protein diaphanous homolog 1
Host: Rabbit
Immunogen: Human Dia1 isolated from human platelet lysates.
UniProt ID: O60610
Application: Immunoprecipitation (1:100)
                Western Blot (1:1’000-1:1’500)
                Optimal conditions must be determined individually for each application.
Specificity: Recognizes human and pig Dia1. Detects a band of ~81kDa by Western blot.
Formulation: Liquid. Crude antiserum containing 0.01% sodium azide.
Handling: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
Short Term Storage: +4°C
Long Term Storage: -20°C


22030   DiA [4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide]   品牌 AAT

DiA [4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide]

货号: 22030      产品名称: DiA [4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide]   品牌: AAT 规格: 25 mg 二周到货 生化试验

DiA [4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide]
Cat # 22030
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 25 mg
Ex (nm) 491
Em (nm) 613
MW 787.04
Solvent DMSO
DiA is a lipophilic fluorescent stain for labeling membranes and other hydrophobic structures. It has the environment-sensitive fluorescence that is greatly enhanced when incorporated into membranes or bound to lipophilic biomolecules such as proteins although it is weakly fluorescent in water. Once applied to cells, this dye diffuses laterally within the cellular plasma membranes, resulting in even staining of the entire cell at its optimal concentrations.
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Labeling Cells     Lipoproteins     Vital Stains 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)