23055   Chrysamine G   品牌 AAT

Chrysamine G

货号: 23055      产品名称: Chrysamine G   品牌: AAT 规格: 5 mg 二周到货 生化试验

Chrysamine G
Cat # 23055
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 5 mg
Ex (nm) 386
MW 482.44
Solvent DMSO
Chrysamine G is a lipophilic, bis-salicylic acid analog of Congo Red that displays both high (Kd = 200 nM; Bmax = 1.13 moles per mole of Ab40) and low (Kd = 38.77 礛; Bmax = 23.10 moles per mole of Ab40) affinity binding sites for beta-amyloid (Ab) fibrils. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and serve as a useful probe for detecting senile plaques (Ab aggregate). 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS
Related Products:     Beta-Amyloid Analysis     Neurological Stains 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)