114825-25MG   Adapalene   品牌 Merck


货号: 114825-25MG      产品名称: Adapalene   品牌: Merck 规格: *** 3周到货 生化实验

CD 271, Differin, 6-(3-(1-Adamantyl)-4-methoxyphenyl)-2-naphthoic acid, CD271, RAR Agonist V, ADA
A cell-permeable naphthoic acid compound that exhibits selective affinity and agonistic potency toward RARβ and RARγ over RARα (Kd = 34, 130, and 1100 nM, respectively; AC50 = 2.3, 9.3, and 22 nM, respectively, in COS-7-based reporter assays) without appreciable affinity toward cytosolic retinoic acid binding proteins CRABP I/II (Kd >> 1 µM) or detectable activity toward RXRα (AC50 > 1 µM). The biological activity and pharmaceutical efficacy of ADA are generally shown to be superior to those of ATRA/Tretinoin (Cat. No. 554720) both in vitro and in vivo.
Form  White solid
Molar mass  412.5
Protect from Light  是的
Packaged under inert gas  是的
Purity  ≥97% by HPLC
Solubility  DMSO
Chemical formula  C28H28O3
CAS number  106685-40-9
Storage  +2°C to +8°C
Ship  Ambient Temperature Only
Standard Handling

2°C – 8°C