40006   Amplite Cholesterol Quantitation Kit   品牌 AAT

Amplite Cholesterol Quantitation Kit

货号: 40006      产品名称: Amplite Cholesterol Quantitation Kit   品牌: AAT 规格: 1 kit 二周到货 生化试验

Amplite� Cholesterol Quantitation Kit
Cat # 40006
Storage F/D/L (see storage codes below)
Unit Size 1 kit
Ex (nm) 571
Em (nm) 585
Cholesterol is required to build and maintain cell membranes. It modulates membrane fluidity over the range of physiological temperatures. Within cells, cholesterol is the precursor molecule in several biochemical pathways. Cholesterol is also an important precursor molecule for the synthesis of Vitamin D and the steroid hormones, including the adrenal gland hormones cortisol and aldosterone as well as the sex hormones progesterone, estrogens, together with testosterone and their derivatives. This Amplite� Cholesterol Quantitation Assay Kit provides one of the most sensitive methods for quantifying cholesterol. The kit uses Amplite� Red to quantify the concentration of cholesterol, which is related to the production of hydrogen peroxide in the cholesterol oxidase-mediated enzyme coupling reactions in the presence of cholesterol. The amount of cholesterol is proportional to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide formed in the enzyme coupling reaction cycle. In the presence of peroxidase, the fluorescence intensity of Amplite� Red is proportional to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide that is converted to the concentration of cholesterol. The assay can be readily read with a fluorescence microplate reader at Ex/Em = ~540/590 nm. 
Detailed Information:   Protocol      References      MSDS      Spectrum
Related Products:     Diagnostic Molecules 
Storage Codes:
  D = Desiccated
  L = Avoid light
  F = Freeze (<-15 癈)
  R = Refrigerated (2-4 癈)
  RT = Room temperature (4-50 癈)