BML-NS111-0050   Bupropion . HCl   品牌 Biomol

Bupropion . HCl

货号: BML-NS111-0050      产品名称: Bupropion . HCl   品牌: Biomol 规格: 50 mg 3周到货 生化实验

Inhibits dopamine and norepinephrine transporters (Ki=2.8 and 1.4µM respectively). Inhibits the serotonin transporter at higher concentration (Ki=45µM). In clinical use as an antidepressant and for smoking cessation. Also acts as a nicotinic receptor antagonist.
Product Specification
Formula:C13H18ClNO . HCl
Purity:≥98% (TLC)
Appearance:White solid.
Solubility:Soluble in water (>25mg/ml).
Long Term Storage:Ambient
